KEY WORDS: High spiritual attunement, compassion, serenity
CHAKRAS: Crown (7th), Heart (4th)
PHYSICAL: Eases stress and brings the physical body into harmony with one's spiritual blueprint
EMOTIONAL: Encourages a state of serenity and benevolence
SPIRITUAL: Aids in attuning to the angelic realms, and to Kwan Yin
PURPLE JADE Angelic beings hover around Lavender Jade like hummingbirds around a flowering bush. 'The energy it emanates is of the highest etheric spectrum, and it provides spiritual nourishment to all who touch or even gaze upon it. It can help one to harmonically attune to Kwan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion, and to orient oneself toward loving and charitable actions in the world. Lavender Jade is a stone of the Violet Ray of spiritual purification, and it is a wonderful companion to take on retreats. In meditation, it can enhance the visionary state and gently help one enter the space of "no thought." It allows one to release cynicism and suppressed anger and to embrace an attitude of serene acceptance. In much the same way that it turns the mind toward purification and compassion, meditation with Lavender Jade can enhance intuition, empathy and all varieties of psychic ability. It is much more attuned toward the higher angelic realms than to the astral plane. Lavender Jade harmonizes with Kunite, Morganite, Hiddenite, Astaraline,