KEY WORDS: Artistic inspiration, productive action, physical vitality, enhanced intuitive abilities

CHAKRAS: Sacral (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd), Third Eye (6th)

ELEMENT: Wind, Fire

PHYSICAL: Stimulates endocrine system, aids in weight-loss

EMOTIONAL: Aids self-confidence in social situations, public speaking

SPIRITUAL: Enhances intuition, communication with guides and spirits

IOLITE SUNSTONE is a nalurally occurring combination of lolite and Sunstone. lolite is a magnesium aluminum silicate mineral with an orthorhombic crystal system and a hardness of 7. Sunstone is an oligioclase feldspar mineral with a triclinic crystal system and a hardness of 6. lolite-Sunstone comes from a single find in India. lolite-Sunstone combines the properties of lolite and Sunstone to create new energetic effects. lolite is a stone of inner vision, stimulating the third eye, enhancing psychic abilities, kindling the gift of prophecy, increasing sensitivity to all types of subtle energies. It is also a stone of self-discipline, enabling one to make and follow concrete plans for the attainment of one's aims. Sun- stone emanates the vibrations of courage and leadership. It enhances one's innate capacity to take responsibility for stepping forward in difficult situations and risking one's safety for the good of the collective. It stimulates the second and third chakras, seats of creativity and will. In addition to their individual properties, lolite and Sunstone unite the vision of the third eye with the will-to-action of the solar plexus, making it possible to move quite powerfully for the actualization of one's dreams. It also enables one to travel interdimensionally without losing one's sense of self and purpose. For interdimensional travel, combine with Phenacite and Herderite. For manifesting dreams, use with Tsavorite Garnet and Hematite.