KEY WORDS: Vitality, sexuality, creativity, will

CHAKRAS: Root (1st), Sacral (2nd) and Solar Plexus (3rd)


PHYSICAL: Stimulates youthful energy, sexual organs, digestion, bowels

EMOTIONAL: Intensifies emotions, increases passion, enhances sexual attraction

SPIRITUAL: Revitalizes spiritual and physical energies, inspires creativity

FIRE AGATE is a silicon dioxide with a hexagonal crystal system and a hard- ness of 7. It combines a deep brown base hue with flashes of orange, red, green and gold that look like tongues of living flame. The best stones come from Mexico. Fire Agates vibrate with the vitality of the physical world and are ideal tools for those who need to have an "in-the-body experience." Among the spiritually inclined segment of the population, there are many who attempt or wish to avoid the messy and painful difficulties of life by escaping into the upper realms. Unfortunately, the price one pays is often high, and one can become a spacey, low-energy person who glows with spiritual light but does not generate enough heat to get anything done. For those of us who lament that they don't much like the Earth and they want to go home, Fire Agate is an ideal remedy. Fire Agate awakens the lower chakras and fills one with the zest for living. It lights one's inner fires of life force, creativity, sexuality and will. It activates the senses and increases the pleasure one takes in everyday life. In helping one come fully into the body, Fire Agate assists one in making real the divine blueprint of one's life purpose. Fire Agate harmonizes with Diamond, Chrysocolla, Anandalite, Crimson Cuprite, Mystic Merlinite, Agnitite and Agni Gold Danburite.