KEY WORDS: Energy infusion from the higher realms, Divine Love, angelic communication, grounding the Higher Self in earthly life
PHYSICAL: Supports skeletal system for healing broken or diseased bones
EMOTIONAL: Aids in receiving love, joy and well-being from the higher realms
SPIRITUAL: Facilitates awakening to multidimensional communication, time travel
ELESTIAL QUARTZ is the name given to Quartz crystals with natural terminations on the faces and body of a layered or etched crystal. It is a silicon dioxide crystal with hexagonal crystal system and a hardness of 7, and is found in Brazil, Africa, Madagascar, Romania and the USA. Elestial Quartz crystals are like switchboards linking multiple dimensions, times and levels of consciousness to one another. 'These crystals constantly emanate vibrations that remind us and reconnect us to the inner worlds of Spirit. They easily attune to the angelic domain. Through this Elestial connection, one may receive a "download of cosmic love, which can infuse every cell in the body with joy and well-being. Elestials offer the wonder and joy of seeing the angelic realm through the inner eye and communing with its inhabitants through the heart. Smoky Quartz Elestials are also known to lighten the heart, relieving the burden of sorrow. They can attune one to the Akashi records and to the eternal wisdom that permeates the Universe. They allow one's consciousness to travel freely through time and space, viewing probable futures as well as past events. Smoky Elestial crystals can help bring accord to personal relationships and can reveal underlying emotional fixations or blockages. Smoky Elestial Quartz can be combined with Moldavite for transformation, attunement and awakening.