KEY WORDS: Divine inspiration, psychic ability, inner guidance, enhanced learning capacity, mental discipline

CHAKRAS: Third Eye (6th)


PHYSICAL: Supports neural functioning and clarity of consciousness

EMOTIONAL: Enhances emotional intelligence and empathy

SPIRITUAL: Stimulates psychic abilities, prophetic vision, spiritual insight

DUMORTIERITE is an aluminum borate silicate with an orthorhombic crystal system and a hardness of 7. Its colors include dark blue, violet blue and red-brown. It can be found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Canada, Poland, France, Namibia and the USA. Dumortierite opens the doors of insight, activating the third eye chakra and assisting one in making the mental leaps necessary for transcending difficulties and solving problems. It enhances all mental abilities linguistic, mathematical, abstract, etc. as well as "emotional intelligence. It activates the latent psychic abilities and stimulates clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. In gifted individuals, it can instill the gift of prophetic vision. It can even facilitate the building of skills in psychometry and psychokinesis. Dumortierite is a strong stone of mental discipline and is capable of enhancing one's willpower in regard to learning. It aids in memory retention and in the mental manipulation of concepts necessary to bring forward a new synthesis of ideas. Because of its stimulation of mental and psychic powers, Dumortierite is ideal for those who work in areas such as astrology and tarot. Dumortierite harmonizes with Blue Sapphire for mental discipline, with Lapis Lazuli and Lazulite for psychic ability, with Phenacite for inner vision and with Azeztulite for spiritual awakening.