KEY WORDS: Connection with the Earth, opening the heart, healing, balance, subtle perception
CHAKRAS: Heart (4th), Root (1st), Earthstar (below the feet)
PHYSICAL: Supports tissue regeneration, recovery of strength, reproductive organs
EMOTIONAL: Aids with relaxation, release of stress, embrace of physical life
SPIRITUAL: Facilitates communion with Earth, grounding, geomancy, love
DIOPSIDE is a calcium magnesium silicate with a monoclinic crystal system and a hardness of 5.5 to 6. Its color can be white, light green, dark green, reddish brown, yellowish brown, gray or black. Diopside are found in China, India and the USA. Diopside varies in its energy, according to its color, and the two most important types are black and green. Black Diopside resonates with the root chakra, and it helps one establish a firm grounding in the Earth. This is a stone for improving one's physical well-being through energetic resonance with the "heartbeat" of the planet. Because it helps focus consciousness downward into the ground, it is excellent for dowsers, assisting one in developing the intuitive feeling for what is hidden below one's feet. Black Diopside is a wonderful stone for geomancy. Those who work with ley lines will find their perceptions enhanced by Black Diopside. Green Diopside sends its energies along the entire chakric column, from the top of the skull to the tailbone. It charges and activates the heart, root and earthstar chakras. It is oriented toward balancing and healing, and can bring all the chakras into alignment, sending the Green Ray of healing throughout the body and auric field. It can be particularly balancing for females in the area of the reproductive organs. In the heart chakra, Green Diopside supports one's ability to give and receive love.