KEY WORDS: Grounding, prosperity, discovering and achieving the soul's purpose
PHYSICAL: Helps with women's issues with reproductive organs and tissues
EMOTIONAL: Inspires courage, embracing one's true potential
SPIRITUAL: Facilitates following the soul's longing, calling in helpful serendipities
CHRYSANTHEMEM STONE is a black and white rock made up of gypsum clay, dolomite and limestone, with internal crystals of Calcite, Feldspar, Celestite or Andalusite, in flower-like patterns. They were discovered in Japan, and are also found in Canada, China and the USA. Chrysanthemum Stone can act as a catalyst for activating the dormant capacities that lie within individuals. If one has always wanted to do something write, dance, climb a mountain, start a business Chrysanthemum Stone offers energetic support for finding the courage and opportunities to live one's dreams. If one doesn't yet even know one's dream, sleeping or meditating with this stone can help one receive the inner message that makes clear the nature of one's neglected purpose. 'These auspicious stones offer even more. They are magnets for positive synchronicities-the sorts of things some people call "luck" When we embark on the road of our souls longing, the very act of turning in that direction can give the Universe the cue it needs to help us. Chrysanthemum Stone, like other talismans of good fortune, seems to draw such welcome turns of fate. For one's destiny path, Chrysanthemum Stone combines well with Moldavite or Seraphinite. For enhancement of the vitality to follow one's deepest desires, Cuprite, Zincite and Carnelian are recommended.