KEY WORDS: Clairvoyance and clairaudience, access to Akashic records, enhanced communication, consciousness
CHAKRAS: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
PHYSICAL: Aids with clearing headaches and stress-induced maladies
EMOTIONAL: Encourages inner peace, courage, gentleness
SPIRITUAL: Enhances psychic capacities, channeling and ESP
CAVANSITE is a hydrous calcium vanadium oxide silicate with a hardness of 3 to 4. Cavansite's color ranges from blue to bluish-green. The finest specimens are from its famous location in Poona, India. Cavansite is a stone of the purest Blue Ray vibrations. It unites the energies of the fifth and sixth chakras-the throat and the third eye-facilitating clear insight and articulate communication. 'Thus Cavansite is a stone of inner truth. It opens one's mind to direct comprehension and allows one to be a clear receiver for higher truth. Cavansite can assist those who channel spiritual information, or who wish to do so. It can aid one in all areas of intuition, including psychic abilities such as mediumship, psychokinesis, psychometry, remote viewing, etc. It can help one to step aside and let one's truth flow freely, without the interference of thought or doubt. Cavansite is soothing to the emotions and calming to frayed nerves. It helps one find the courage and the gentleness to speak the words that must be said, without inflicting blame or shame. It is an excellent stone to carry or wear in difficult situations in which one wishes to avoid conflict without sacrificing truth. Cavansite and Stilbite together can be an opening and healing combination of truth, love and peace. It can open the doors of perception while increasing ones attunement with the realm of the heart.