KEY WORDS: Access to spiritual information, multidimensional awareness
CHAKRAS: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), Etheric (8th-14th)
ELEMENT: Storm, Wind
PHYSICAL: Aids in recalling past civilization information for healing the body
EMOTIONAL: Supports overcoming fears of entering expanded consciousness
SPIRITUAL: Facilitates accessing stored information from the spiritual domains
CATHEDRAL QUARTZ is a variety of Quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral with a hexagonal crystal system and a hardness of 7. Cathedral Quartz is so named because of small points embedded in the main crystal body, reminding one of the turrets of an ancient castle or cathedral. Cathedral Quartz is found in Africa, Russia, Switzerland and Madagascar. Cathedral Quartz crystals are among the richest of the information- bearing stones in the mineral kingdom. 'They have been programmed by spirit entities to make it possible for humans to access the necessary knowledge for raising their vibrational frequencies and evolving into the next level of existence. Among other things, these stones act as repositories of knowledge of the energetic structures of the higher dimensions. Through working with them, one can develop the clairvoyant vision necessary to create an internal map of the astral, subtle, causal, devic, angelic and other realms. The ulti- mate benefit of such efforts is to allow humans to develop multidimensional awareness. Cathedral Quartz can be used with any other stone, as well as with herbs, oils, sound and various frequencies of Light. With all of these, the crystals are capable of opening the inner doors to deeper knowledge. When placed on light boxes which pulsate with different colors at different speeds, Cathedral Quartz can catalyze one's entry into multidimensional consciousness.