KEY WORDS: Self-knowledge, link with one's Divine Blueprint
PHYSICAL: Assists in over- coming addictions and self-destructive habits
EMOTIONAL: Aids in overcoming depression and boredom, promotes the zest of self-discovery
SPIRITUAL: Inspires realization of multidimensional self and life purpose
ASTROPHYLLITE is a complex mineral a potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, titanium silicate with a hardness of 3.5. It forms in bladed crystals which often occur in starbursts within its tan matrix rock. Its color is most often a coppery bronze but can also be golden yellow. Astrophyllite aids in navigating the twists and turns of travels beyond the body-in and beyond the astral realm. It can help even in the often chaotic domain of dreams. It is both a spur to expanding consciousness and an anchor to assist one in returning to "home base." Astrophyllite can reveal the hidden pattern of one's Divine blueprint, or life purpose. This may be revealed through an increase in synchronicities. Astrophyllite is both a magnet for these synchronicities and an aid to being more aware of their occurrence and meaning. Being out of alignment with one's inner purpose can cause all sorts of symptoms, such as boredom, depression, overeating, addictions and so forth. Astrophyllite can aid one in shedding such states, as an amplifier of one's latent interest in the deeper and more significant purposes of one's life. The complex structures and flashing reflections of Astrophyllite resonate with its deeper purpose to shine a light on the mirror of consciousness, to illuminate the true self. Astrophyllite harmonizes with Moldavite, Tibetan Tektite, Natrolite, Scolecite, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Hematite.