KEY WORDS: Upliftment, peace, serenity, expanded awareness

CHAKRAS: Crown (7th), Etheric (8th-14th) 


PHYSICAL: Aids in releasing stress; helps with muscle cramps, indigestion

 Ideal for calming, purifying and uplifting the emotional body

 Facilitates reaching deeper states in meditation, connecting with Angels
ANGEL AURA QUARTZ is produced when clear Quartz, points or clusters go through a special treatment process in which their surfaces are bonded with vaporized or finely powdered platinum, silver and other trace metals. 'The resulting crystals exhibit silvery surfaces with flashes of brilliant iridescent color. The name Angel Aura Quartz, derives from this color's likeness to images of the gossamer wings of angels. Angel Aura Quartz is a stone of attunement to beauty, and it can assist one in remembering to pay attention to the beauty surrounding one, in both Nature and Spirit. Wearing Angel Aura Quartz helps one to be a beacon of inner beauty, peace and spiritual awareness. Meditating with these stones, one can easily move beyond the body and go to one's "inner temple. This is a place of purification and rest in which one's angelic guides are present, ready to help one release stress and move into deep peace. Remembrance of past incarnations, insights into one's spiritual purpose, the ability to channel higher knowledge, and the opportunity to commune with loving spiritual entities are among the possibilities available through working with Angel Aura Quartz. And all of these things take place in a "bubble" of peace, tranquility and contentment. Angel Aura Quartz harmonizes well with Aqua Aura Quartz, Danburite, Petalite, Seraphinite, Oregon Opal, Alexandrite and Kunzite.