KEY WORDS: Truth, communication, harmony
CHAKRAS: Heart (4th), Throat (5th)
PHYSICAL: Aids cellular regeneration, healing from trauma, gout, arthritis
EMOTIONAL: Facilitates releasing fear of judgment or conflict, finding inner freedom
SPIRITUAL: Receiving and communicating higher knowledge, speaking truth
AMAZONITE is an alkali feldspar mineral a polassium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 6 to 6.5. Its crystal system is triclinic and prismatic. Its color is green or blue-green. Its name derives from the Amazon River in Brazil, where there are important Amazonite deposits. Amazonite is a stone of harmony, both within the self and among people. It is a truth-teller and a peacemaker, assisting one in communicating one's true thoughts and feelings without overemotionalism. Amazonite awakens compassion through stimulation of the heart chakra. Sleeping with Amazon- ite can bring one's competing unconscious tendencies into focus through the symbolism of dreams. Meditation with Amazonite makes everything more conscious, so one can listen to and integrate all aspects of the self. Because it is a stone of truth, one can trust the visions, dreams and intuitions that sur- face while working with it. Amazonite can also empower us in manifesting our dreams and desires. It is a magnifier of our intentions, and because it works through the throat chakra, these intentions must be spoken aloud. Holding an Amazonite while affirming aloud what one wishes to create can powerfully enhance one's ability to bring it into being. The power of the spoken word is a great and mystical thing remember that Genesis affirms that the Universe was brought into being by the word of God. Amazonite teaches us to speak the truth and to make what we speak come true.