KEY WORDS: Joy, love, creativity, enthusiasm, perseverance

CHAKRAS: Solar Plexus (3rd) and Heart (4th)

ELEMENT: Fire, Wind

PHYSICAL: Supports heart, stomach, small intestine

EMOTIONAL: Facilitates lifting one's mood, strengthening the will

SPIRITUAL: Aids conscious connection with spirit guides and angels, facilitating one's capacity to evolve through inner communion with them 

ADAMITE is a zinc arsenate mineral and its crystal structure is orthorhombic - often occurring in radiated aggregates or fan-shaped rosettes. The color is usually a bright yellow-green. It forms in oxidized parts of ore veins, especially arsenic-rich zinc deposits. Adamite can enhance the alignment of the heart and solar plexus chakras, allowing one to synergize one's will with one's feelings. Such an alignment is particularly helpful for achieving one's "heart's desires"-the aspects of life one longs for but which may seem impossible to realize. Adamite kindles the fires of optimism and determination, assisting one in taking on whatever challenges must be faced, making the necessary leaps of insight and persevering through difficulties. Adamite facilitates contact with spirits, angels, guides and the souls of those who have passed on. Clairvoyants, readers, psychic healers and shamanic practitioners will find that Adamite increases their sensitivity, enhancing the clarity of the messages one sends to and receives from entities in the higher vibrational realms.

Adamite harmonizes with Moldavite, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Morganite Emerald, Heliodor, Golden Labradorite, Sulfur and Citrine, Phenacite and Tsavorite Garnet.